Hurricane Preparation

Prior to a Hurricane

  1. Make a plan, visit:
    2. Citrus County Disaster Preparation
  2. Know your escape routes
  3. Pick a location to meet
  4. Decide how you will communicate

Impending Hurricane

  1. Stay abreast of the hurricane track, estimated landfall, and landfall location.
  2. Evacuate if ordered
  3. Follow the hurricane at:

After a Hurricane

  1. Do NOT return to your home until the citrus county sheriff's office has declared the area to be safe
  2. You may begin clean-up of your property, but do not begin repairs without contacting the Planning & Community Development Department:  352-795-4216, ext. 317.
    1. It is okay to remove damaged items.
  3. You must complete the FEMA required paperwork as soon as possible and/or during your permitting process if you sustained damage.  Take lots of photos of the damage, interior and exterior.  See forms below!
  4. Beware of scams - no legitimate contractor will state that you do not need a permit for a repair - check with the Crystal River Building Department prior to signing any contract or paying any money!  We will confirm if your contractor is licensed and insured!  Please read advice to property owners.

Do NOT begin repairs or sign a contract with a contractor until you have checked with the City Building Department at 352-795-4216, ext. 317!

Important Phone Numbers

  • Citrus County Emergency Management:  352-746-6555
  • Citizen Information Lines:  352-746-5470 or 352-746-2106
  • City of Crystal River Floodplain Manager:  352-795-4216, ext. 308
  • Crystal River Development Services:  352-795-4216, ext. 306
Advice To Property Owners Hiring A Contractor
Title Attachments
Advice To Property Owners Hiring A Contractor